Concepts of RPG and MMORPG and their differences
Concepts of RPG and MMORPG and their differences
If we want to consider the concepts of RPG and MMORPG, as well as their differences, we should start with the fact that RPG and MMORPG are genres of computer games.
Console game testing
The current strength of the games industry is that there are now more platforms than ever to release the next big project.
Shareware and games
Over the past few years, the Freemium model has moved away from its classic variation, that is, when at some point you are offered to pay for something you already have. Today we can find a wide variety of Freemium options.
In-game offers and their types
Users often make purchases in a game they like. This happens for various reasons, but the main one is intrinsic motivation. One of the tools that motivate users to make purchases is an offer.
Game genres
As a result of this evolution, whole categories of similar games arose around popular projects, which later formed genres. So what is a game genre?
Locations (levels) in computer games
Speaking of locations, the first thing to say is that such notions as «location in space» and «gaming location» must be distinguished.
How to find game version in steam and more
Game version and build are very important parameters for gamers and testers. There are several options to find the version of the game including the one installed from Steam.
Performance testing in games. Concept of the Frame rate
Performance testing is crucial at the time of a game’s release. Crashes because of poor performance makes a lasting negative impression on the end-user. For this reason, QA engineers focus on performance testing to check if specific indicators are okay for all devices, and importantly, end-users are satisfied with the game without freezes or crashes.
«Must-haves» for reporting game bugs
Compliance with the rules of creating bug reports allows us to grasp the main idea of bugs and navigate to which department to send the report for bug fix. It should be stated that for different projects and different companies there may be a bit different templates and standards of the bug reports. Let’s look at the features of the bug reports design in our company.
Steam installation errors
This article will describe tips to troubleshoot errors during the installation of one of the indispensable for both gamer and tester, digital distribution services of video games – Steam.