Сommon course rules

One of the main tasks of the QATestLab Training Center is the evolution of the software development ecosystem. We are ready to share our knowledge and help you to grow in the software testing field. Course participants must follow the rules of ethics of the educational process for their successful development.

Having registered for the courses of the QATestLab Training Center, participant is engaged to follow the list of common rules:

  • Do the practical tasks individually and provide only the result of your own work for evaluation.
  • Pass midterms tests and final examinations by themselves.
  • Do not do action that could improperly improve your own efficiency or improve/worsen the efficiency of other students.
  • Do not distribute questions and answers to questions used in the learning process publicly and on the Internet.
  • Use only one work account and do not share it with other people.
  • Behave worthy and show respect towards other students/teachers, express your thoughts within bounds of the decency.
  • Respect the copyright rights of the course creators and do not distribute course materials provided to you.

We sincerely believe in you and your desire to gain new knowledge!

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