Terms of participation in the online testing course of the QATestLab Training Center


Before starting your training on the online courses, you need to submit an online application, successfully pass the entrance test and receive an email that confirms your registration for the determined training group. There is a step-by-step registration for our online courses instruction below.

To apply for the course complete the following steps:

  1. Choose the training (course name) and the start date of the classes (accordingly to the suggested course schedule).
  2. Submit the application for participating. The application is available for filling on the website after clicking the “Apply for the course” button.
  3. Enter the registration confirmation code, recieved on your email after filling the application, to the confirmation window in the browser.
  4. Follow the link from your email adress to start the entrance test. The link for the exam is limited up to 24 hours. Be careful: if you are not able to pass the exam within this period, your application will be automatically rejected.
  5. Recieve the email with the results of passing the entrance test right after passing it.
  6. Receive the email with the response to the sent application within a few workdays after passing the test.


Access to training programs and materials:

  • in the letter about acceptance of the application for the course, you will receive the access parameters to the educational platform, and these parameters will also be duplicated in the letter with information about further steps and instructions, which you will receive a day before the start of classes;
  • if the participant scored less than 1 point by the time of the fifth lecture of the course, access to the educational systems will be closed for him and his application for participation in the course will be rejected.


  • before each lecture you need to follow the corresponding link in your personal account and register for participating in the webinar (this should be done directly on the day of the lecture);
  • if for some reasons you are not able to attend the lesson – you can get an access to the video recordings of the lecture, which can be rewatched at any convenient time. The video recordings are available for download the day after the lecture in your personal account, as well as the links for lecture materials (videos, screenshots, etc).


  • after each lesson your homework and deadlines will be displayed in your personal account. The homework that was turned in after the deadlines will not be graded with evaluating points;
  • after checking each homework you will receive an email with comments about the mistakes made. You can edit the assignment and send it for rechecking to get higher points.


  • the final exam becomes available for passing during the last 6 days of the course;
  • the final exam is made in a test form and contains 55 questions;
  • time for passing the final exam is 1 hour 20 minutes;
  • the number of attempts for passing the final exam is one (1).

Course results and Certification

  • the final results of the course will be sent you via e-mail within 5-7 workdays after passing the final exam;
  • if you score more than 100 points, you will be given a link to an electronic certificate, which confirms your knowledge of the course program;
  • if you score less than 100 points, you will be offered to repass the course. You can repass the course up to 3 times in order to successfully complete it and get a certificate.

Certificate issuance procedure

  • the certificate is given in electronic format;
  • the certificate can be downloaded in the user’s personal account.


We are always ready to answer your questions. However, since there are a lot of them and we try to provide answers without delays, we will be grateful  if you get acquainted with the following points:

  • we suggest you to, first of all, get famaliar with frequently asked questions (FAQ). There may already be an extended answer for your question;
  • you can ask questions at any convenient time for you, but we are able to provide an answer during workdays from 09:00 to 17:30;
  • do not use the obscene language, slang words  in conversations- it is very unpleasant to hear and read for the specialists of the Training center;
  •  make sure to fill in the “Subject” field and sign your emails while communicating via e-mail.


We are thankful for the feedback (comments, reviews, etc.) regarding our online courses, it helps us to improve the training courses and increase their value for new students. Your feedback also makeS a great importance for beginners who search up for training courses and want to know the opinions of those who have already passed them. In order to impove and popularize the materials of the training course, we reserve the rights for the usage of any content received from students during the training process and related to the training for marketing purposes.


The administration of the https://en.training.qatestlab.com/ website protects the information provided by users and uses it only accordingly to the accepted Privacy policy. The website uses generally accepted security methods for protecting information from loss, distortion and unauthorized distribution..

By using the https://en.training.qatestlab.com/ resource you accept the terms of our privacy policy. By transmitting data through the website you agree with collecting, using and provisioning data accordingly to the terms of the privacy policy.


Your personal data will be used by the QATestlab company for sending informational and notification messages during the training on our courses. Your data can as well be used during conduction of surveys by the QATestlab regarding the quality of the training. We respect your privacy and will not share your personal information with third parties.


All of the audio-video-text materials of the QATestlab company are the intellectual property of the authors and protected by copyright law. Without the permission of the company, no part of the audio-video-text materials can be transferred to the third parties.


In case if you have any questions, please contact the online support on the website or in your personal account.

Read more about the course here.

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