56 FAQs
1. Will specifications or other documentation be provided to find bugs while doing homework? (1150 requests)
2. Why is it mandatory to write a summary in a Passive Voice? (992 requests)
3. Is it a duplicate if two different students adding the same bug report? (977 requests)
4. Can I attach a screenshot or is it better to record a video? (968 requests)
5. Why isn’t Jira used for the lectures if it is one of the most popular bug tracking systems and is most commonly found in the job vacancies? (831 requests)
6. Are there any requirements for screenshot file names? (830 requests)
7. What are the criteria for the interestingness of the bug that needs to be made for homework of lecture №4? (824 requests)
8. Bug reports on the second round come back with the same comment - is that expected? (797 requests)
9. When testing the website, can a tester report a bug in the code or should the bugs be described only on GUI? (770 requests)
10. Bug reports with mistakes will as well be evaluated in the end? (767 requests)
11. Are the bug-reports that are reported during the lecture mandatory? Are they evaluated as a homework? (745 requests)
12. How do I know what is the expected result? Is the expected result taken from the specification? (691 requests)
13. Will the evaluation be harshly reduced for grammar and spelling errors in English? (686 requests)
14. Can I create a bug reports for 404 errors after checking on W3C Link Checker? (683 requests)
15. How to capture a video without bookmarks but with an address bar in the browser? (653 requests)
16. Do I need to inform someone after reporting a bug / completing homework? (633 requests)
17. Which language should bug-reports be reported in? (631 requests)
18. Are there any recommendations on what is better to test (e.g. if 4 browsers are installed, which one is better to choose)? (627 requests)
19. Can I add more than 3 interesting bugs for Homework №4? Should all bugs be from different sites or from one site? (586 requests)
20. Do I have to attach screenshots for each bug? (572 requests)
21. Do I need to change the category to Homework_3 if I reported a lot of functional bugs in Mantis in the Homework_2 category? (538 requests)
22. Is it possible to report about an interesting bug in a game or a desktop app for Homework №4? (441 requests)
23. Is it possible to add bug reports for the previous homeworks if after the homework I'll have less then 50 bug reports in Mantis? (405 requests)
24. How to correctly specify the name of buttons if the bug report description is in English and the button is in Ukrainian? (337 requests)
25. Where can I see the grade for my bug report? (301 requests)
26. Is a bug-report evaluated when it is indicated as orange? (296 requests)
27. The more «accepted» bug reports, the more points you get? (289 requests)
28. Is there any way to remove duplicate bug reports? (285 requests)
29. If the bugs were found on the Training Center website / Personal account / Mantis / TestRail, then who should I write about them? What category should I assign to these bugs? (281 requests)
30. Do I need to reassign a bug report after it was fixed? (274 requests)
31. How many points can I get after correcting a bug report? (271 requests)
32. Is it possible to export all created bugs from a bug tracker? (268 requests)
33. Which bug report is evaluated: the original version or with corrections made according to the comments? (266 requests)
34. What should I write to the «Description» field? (263 requests)
35. Who should I assign bug reports to? (263 requests)
36. If a bug report is returned with comments, do I need to change the report itself or the comments under it? (262 requests)
37. Can I combine two different bugs in one report? (262 requests)
38. How does a bug report verification notification arrive? (261 requests)
39. Should the «what? where? when?» sequence be followed in the bug description? (260 requests)
40. Is it possible to test a game outside of the Steam service in the «Software Testing: Basics and Practice» course? (254 requests)
41. Does the «assigned» bug status mean that the bug report hasn't been checked yet? (251 requests)
42. How can I compress a video? The bug tracker shows a message that the video is too big? (250 requests)
43. How do I attach multiple files at once? Can I add more screenshots only after creating a report? (250 requests)
44. What is the acceptable size of photos and videos for a bug report in Mantis? (250 requests)
45. If the same defect is displayed in all browsers, do I need to create a one bug-report or several, separately for each browser? (249 requests)
46. How do I choose the defect priority? (248 requests)
47. What formats of screenshots and videos can I attach to a bug report in Mantis? (247 requests)
48. Should all bugs be found in one game or from several during homework 7in the «Software Testing: Basics and Practice» course? (245 requests)
49. Is there an opportunity to see examples of homework? (243 requests)
50. How to know that the bug report has been reviewed and does not need improvement? (238 requests)
51. Will the bug-reports that are sent later than one week after the relevant lecture be evaluated? (237 requests)
52. If a bug report is often returned for refinement, will the points be reduced? (235 requests)
53. Is it necessary to create a bug reports only based on the website provided for testing? Or I can test my own resources and report bugs that were found on other websites? (233 requests)
54. Are defects with «closed» status included in the limit of 50 defects? (233 requests)
55. What is the build? Where can I find it? (232 requests)
56. Where I can indicate the information about testing on the emulator? (211 requests)
13 FAQs
19 FAQs
3 FAQs
11 FAQs
2 FAQs
7 FAQs
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