How to write the environment while reporting a bug in various bug tracking systems
How to write the environment while reporting a bug in various bug tracking systems
How to write the environment while reporting a bug in various bug tracking systems (Jira, Mantis, Pivotal, Trello, Bugzilla)
What is a functional bug and how to find it
Defects are discovered during the software testing stage when the tester compares the results of the program (component or design) with the expected result. According to the types of testing, bugs can come in different origins. The more the system is covered with tests, the higher the probability of finding functional bugs. An analysis of system functions using these recommendations will help to form an efficient testing strategy and structure checks.
How to describe similar bugs or the same bug in different browsers
Sometimes there are situations when the same bug is encountered on different pages or the same type of bug is shown in different places in the application or on the site . If you’ll describe similar issues as separated bug reports you can take up a lot of extra space in the bug tracker, confuse yourself and the developers, or spoil all the statistics of the defects.
How to write steps to reproduce the bug
Steps to reproduce is a piece of information that is needed to reproduce the bug. Steps to reproduce is a very important piece of information in the bug report. After finding the defect in the software, one must write the precise steps to reproduce the bug. It is important for steps to be stable. Take a very attentive look at the situation: what type of data was inputted? in what exact order? In such cases a video recording helps a lot.
The most common categories of game bugs
Bugs may vary from defects that prevent players from moving through the plot to less significant bugs such as text placement out of the field. They are categorized by severity to facilitate the developers’ work. Ranging bug types in games helps them understand which bugs to fix in the first place.
How to write a proper bug report
Each company has its own rules for defect creation in the bug tracker – it depends on the company policy, development technology, bug tracker, project type and much more. But in any case, a good bug report has certain characteristics.
How to describe results in the bug report?
Defect (bug) is a discrepancy between the actual result of the program and the expected result. Defects are discovered during the software testing stage when the QA engineer compares the results of the program (component or design) with the expected result described in the requirements specification.
Common bugs in the mobile apps
Nowadays, smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. Literally every day, «hardware» is improved and so is the software itself. Mobile application development requirements are growing rapidly and developers have no choice but to satisfy the whims of the user.
The life cycle of bug report checking at QATestLab testing courses
Bug reports created by students have their own life cycle.
How to write the description of the bug according to the «What? Where? When?» principle
Nowadays there are a lot of bug tracking systems, however they have one aim – to describe the essence of the defect precisely and laconically. This is the reason why they all have the similar filling principle.