9 FAQs
1. How many times can I try to pass a mock exam before taking the final exam? (336 requests)
2. How many questions are there in the exam? (328 requests)
3. Will there be a practical assignment on the final exam of the course? (310 requests)
4. When and how will the examination results be announced? (283 requests)
5. Is it possible to see the number of points of the completed tasks? (279 requests)
6. Does the access to the exam depend on completed homework? (251 requests)
7. How many days are given to take the test course exam? (218 requests)
8. Why does the result letter have 0 as the score for the assignment? (191 requests)
9. Are correct and incorrect answers provided at the exam after answering the question? (160 requests)
5 FAQs
10 FAQs
26 FAQs
6 FAQs
3 FAQs
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