Course materials
Overview and comparison of testing courses
11.04.2024In this article, we’ll look at the differences between the two testing courses and the advantages of a paid course. This information will help you decide which one is best for you.
How to write the environment while reporting a bug in various bug tracking systems
30.03.2024How to write the environment while reporting a bug in various bug tracking systems (Jira, Mantis, Pivotal, Trello, Bugzilla)
How is the process of the «Software Testing: Basics and Practice» course proceeded?
13.03.2024This article describes the main points that you will encounter when studying with us in online courses. Remember, you can always ask us any questions regarding the learning process.
Way to success: Map of the practical tasks of the «Software Testing: Basics and Practice» course
01.03.2024In order to complete the «Software Testing: Basics and Practice» course successfully, you must complete all the homework and successfully pass the exam. The frequently asked question is: «How many bug reports do I need to register while completing homework and what is the grading system?» For this, we have designed a map of practical tasks.
How the «English for a Technical Interview Preparing» online course works
03.11.2023Taking an online course is a perfect way to build your knowledge, develop new skills, and succeed in any field. In this article, we will tell you step-by-step about the studying process at the «English for a Technical Interview Preparing» course.
Terms and Conditions for Participation in the «English for Technical Interview Preparing» Course
29.09.2023The primary rules for the «English for a tech interview preparing» course to assist you in navigating your learning and avoiding overlooking crucial aspects.
Have not found the desired email? Check filter settings
06.07.2023The course participants are quite often faced with the problem of email absence from the QATestlab Training Center.
More often such a problem can be caused by the filter work of the mail service. -
How to upload a certificate to linkedin
04.04.2023In order to upload a certificate to the LinkedIn profile as a graphic image, you should do some simple steps.
Typical mistakes in bug reporting
01.02.2022One of the most interesting methods of learning is writing useless and rather harmful advice. In our blog there are a lot of articles about how to write the bug reports correctly, what attributes should be added and what requirements they must meet. However, in this article we will look through the things that should not be done and some typical mistakes of the beginner tester on projects.
The «What? Where? When?» principle as the key to the success
05.01.2022While working with the bug-reports one must pay attention to the necessity of writing the summary clearly and shortly. The title itself must contain the information that is enough for the understanding of the essence of the bug at the first glance of it. Such a description helps to understand and reproduce the bug described.