How to write the environment while reporting a bug in various bug tracking systems
How to write the environment while reporting a bug in various bug tracking systems
How to write the environment while reporting a bug in various bug tracking systems (Jira, Mantis, Pivotal, Trello, Bugzilla)
Screenshots and video in tester’s work
In that article, we discussed the main programs for taking screenshots, including their main features. This article will cover the basics of how to work with each of these programs. You will learn how to add a rectangle and an arrow to a screenshot, how to show the mouse pointer, how to take a combined screenshot, how to trim a video, and several other useful features.
Typical mistakes in bug reporting
One of the most interesting methods of learning is writing useless and rather harmful advice. In our blog there are a lot of articles about how to write the bug reports correctly, what attributes should be added and what requirements they must meet. However, in this article we will look through the things that should not be done and some typical mistakes of the beginner tester on projects.
The «What? Where? When?» principle as the key to the success
While working with the bug-reports one must pay attention to the necessity of writing the summary clearly and shortly. The title itself must contain the information that is enough for the understanding of the essence of the bug at the first glance of it. Such a description helps to understand and reproduce the bug described.
Main attributes of bug-reports
Bug report is a technical document that describes a situation or a sequence of actions that leads to an incorrect functioning of the test object with mentioning the causes and the expected result.
How to start writing the steps of reproducing the defect (bug)?
Today, in terms of the «QA tips for newbies» rubric, we will talk about how to describe the steps to reproduce a defect(bug) correctly.
Top 10 common mistakes while reporting a bug
Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. However, our students do a lot in the process of studying a new professional field. Doing the task, listeners are learning on their own and on others’ mistakes. In this article, we collected the most common bug-report mistakes made by students . We hope this article will help you to understand better what to avoid and how to write a clear and complete the bug description.
Mantis glossary
Mantis – it is a freeware bug tracking system for the software products. It is used on our course to create the bug reports by the participant and to check them by the Training Center employees.
How to describe similar bugs or the same bug in different browsers
Sometimes there are situations when the same bug is encountered on different pages or the same type of bug is shown in different places in the application or on the site . If you’ll describe similar issues as separated bug reports you can take up a lot of extra space in the bug tracker, confuse yourself and the developers, or spoil all the statistics of the defects.
How to write steps to reproduce the bug
Steps to reproduce is a piece of information that is needed to reproduce the bug. Steps to reproduce is a very important piece of information in the bug report. After finding the defect in the software, one must write the precise steps to reproduce the bug. It is important for steps to be stable. Take a very attentive look at the situation: what type of data was inputted? in what exact order? In such cases a video recording helps a lot.