In computer technologies the term «client» means software or hardware that interacts with the server in order to receive data or perform some actions. Client is an important part of the client-server architecture. The great example of clients are web-browsers. They serve as the web-clients and send requests to the web-server, receiving the needed web-page in turn.
Client-server architecture has two types: thick and thin. Also there are architectures that combine abilities of thick and thin clients – hybrids.
What is a thick client?
Thick client is a client that holds the requested operations independently, so that without the help of the central server. Central server in this type of the architecture can be used as the data storage, the processing and display of which is transferred to the working machine of the client.
Thick client is a working station or PC that works from under control of its own OS and has a full toolbar of the program software in order to provide the user with the tasks.