There are 5 important points that a beginner tester must get to know and integrate into the future work in the professional environment. One must keep this basic knowledge in mind and study new information, structure it and strive for new tasks and their solutions.
Let us start with the most important thing for each person who connected their professional life with software testing:
1. Never stop on the achievements that you have reached, strive for new knowledge
It is necessary to strive for the understanding that each piece of new information, each new thought is the part of the experience and skills that testers apply in their professional sphere. That is why it is important to be attentive to everything and get to know something new every day. It is even better to create a list or special assignment of resources and actions ( maybe even new skills) that you will use in the near future. for example:
- create a list of top bloggers in the sphere of testing and IT generally, for example: blog.qatestlab, qa intelligence, smartbear, softwaretestingmagazine, joe colantonio, qa mentor, softwaretestinghelp, 9lessons;
- do not forget to boost up the fundamentals of testing, by learning new ways, methods and types of testing, getting inspiration from the following books: Ron Patton – Software testing; Lee Copeland – A practitioner's guide for software design; James Witthaker – Exploratory Software testing; Robert Kalberstone – Quick testing and so on.;
- apply your skills and knowledge in different types and parts of testing, try yourself in game testing, security testing and automated testing. One must look for a branch of testing where you feel comfortable and confident;
- be flexible in your skills and knowledge, work on your time management. Boost up your level of English as a prior language in IT.