How to describe results in the bug report?
- 14.03.2017
- Posted by: Admin

Defect (bug) – a discrepancy between the actual result of the program and the expected result. Defects are discovered during the software testing stage when the QA engineer compares the results of the program (component or design) with the expected result described in the requirements specification.
Bugs must be reported for:
- the official description of defects;
- the appointment to those responsible for fixing them;
- the defect monitoring;
- the collection of reports on work on the project or its separate component.
Bug report – a technical document and that’s why the language for describing the issue must be technical too. A bug report contains a complete description of the bug, including information about the bug (summary, severity, priority, etc.), and about the conditions for the occurrence of this bug. The bug report must contain correct and universal terminology for describing the elements of the user interface and steps to reproduce this bug.
This article explains in detail the rules for describing the actual and expected results, which are required fields of the bug report.
Writing the bug report, the actual result is always written first and only then the expected result takes place. There is a lot of controversy about which type of the results should come first and it is worth considering for what purpose the report is being created – in order to quickly inform the product developers and the whole team that something went wrong. A lot of QA engineers, especially QA interns, have difficulties creating a bug report. Understanding the essence of the problem, it is very important to be able to inform the developer who will read the report in the future in the correct way. In order to avoid confusion as well as to save the time that is already limited by the project, in IT it was decided to unify the approach to filling this field and as a result make life easier for testers. You need to get familiar with the terminology to understand how to describe the results in a bug report correctly.
The actual result – the observed or generated behavior of a component or system during testing. It describes what was obtained as a result of going through all the steps of the bug report. It is necessary to use the «What? Where? When?» principle for actual results which is also used in the bug summary. This principle is well-known. First, you need to write «what», and only then «where» and «when». The key difference between the description of the defect and the actual result is the more detailed spelling of the result. However, do not use complicated sentences. Compound and complex sentences, participial and adverbial expressions complicate the perception of the text. The simpler the sentence is – the better. It is also possible to split the text into several sentences, if necessary.
Example 1:
Bad | Good |
Nothing happens when adding an item to the cart. | The item is not added to the cart on the «Item description» page after clicking the «Add to cart» button. |
- «What?» (What happened?) Is NOT a noun, it is what happened, a kind of VERB-clarification («What is being done?» Or «What is NOT being done?»).
- «Where?» is the location in the system (application/website) where the bug was found.
- «When?» (After what? Due to what action? During what period?) – an action that resulted in a different result than expected.
Example 2:
Bad | Good |
Application crashes when password recovery | The application crashes on the «Login» screen after clicking the «Forgot password» button |
- «What?» (What happened?) Is NOT a noun, it is what happened, a kind of VERB-clarification («What is being done?» Or «What is NOT being done?»).
- «Where?» – is the location in the system (application/website) where the bug was found.
- «When?» (After what? Due to what action? During what period?) – an action that resulted in a different result than expected.
Example 3:
Bad | Good |
User cannot log into his account | The transition to the «Profile» screen is not performed from the «Login» page after clicking the «Login with Facebook» button |
- «What?» (What happened?) Is NOT a noun, it is what happened, a kind of VERB-clarification («What is being done?» Or «What is NOT being done?»).
- «Where?» – is the location in the system (application/website) where the bug was found.
- «When?» (After what? Due to what action? During what period?) – an action that resulted in a different result than expected.
The expected result – the behavior of a component or system under specified conditions, as defined by the specification or other sources. In this field it is necessary to describe what should be and how the product should behave at the last step of the defect reproduction. However, why do you need to write this if everything is already obvious? There are very complex bugs where everything seems to work, but the behavior of what does not correspond to the behavior declared in the requirements. Therefore, the field is important and necessary to fill.
NOTE! What is obvious to you is not always obvious to the other person. Sometimes, when reporting a defect the expected result is not fully described. This is wrong and all results must be fully described.Example 1:
Bad | Good |
The page is displayed correctly | The login field is displayed within the «Registration» block on the main page |
- «What?» (What happened?) Is NOT a noun, it is what happened, a kind of VERB-clarification («What is being done?» Or «What is NOT being done?»).
- «Where?» – is the location in the system (application/website) where the bug was found.
Example 2:
Bad | Good |
The application works stably in the «Gallery» section | The application is not frozen on the «Gallery» screen after downloading a large number of pictures |
- «What?» (What happened?) Is NOT a noun, it is what happened, a kind of VERB-clarification («What is being done?» Or «What is NOT being done?»).
- «Where?» – is the location in the system (application/website) where the bug was found.
- «When?» (After what? Due to what action? During what period?) – an action that resulted in a different result than expected.
Example 3:
Bad | Good |
The app is fully synchronized | The personal data is synchronized with the server on the «Settings» screen after clicking the «Synchronize» button |
- «What?» (What happened?) Is NOT a noun, it is what happened, a kind of VERB-clarification («What is being done?» Or «What is NOT being done?»).
- «Where?» – is the location in the system (application/website) where the bug was found.
- «When?» (After what? Due to what action? During what period?) – an action that resulted in a different result than expected.
A notable feature of stating results is to avoid formulating expected and actual results that differ only in negative form. It isn't enough to add negation in one of the sentences.
Bad | Good |
Actual result: The information is matched by the «Compare products» page. Expected result: The information is not matched by the «Compare products» page. | Actual result: The information is matched by the «Compare products» page. Expected result: The description of all products is displayed on the «Compare products» page. |
Bad | Good |
Actual result: The error message is displayed on the registration page after filling in the «Password» field with valid data. Expected result: The validation message is not displayed on the registration page. | Actual result: The error message is displayed on the registration page after filling in the «Password» field with valid data. Expected result: The successful registration is performed in the system after filling in the «Password» field with valid data. |
Bad | Good |
Actual result: Registration is not performed on the site after filling in personal data. Expected result: Registration is performed on the site after filling in personal data. | Actual result: Registration is not performed on the site after filling in personal data. Expected result: The message about successful registration is displayed on the site after filling in valid data. |
Bad | Good |
Bad | Good |
Actual result:
Actual result: The «Telephone number» field is highlighted in green on the registration page after inputting invalid data. Expected result: The «Telephone number» field is highlighted in red on the registration page after inputting invalid data. |
Bad | Good |
Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce
Additional information Actual result: The placeholder is overlapped with the text in the «Email address» field in the footer after inputting the text. Expected result: The placeholder is not shown in the «Email address» field in the footer after inputting the text. | Actual result: The placeholder is overlapped with the text in the «Email address» field in the footer after inputting the text. Expected result: The placeholder is not shown in the «Email address» field in the footer after inputting the text. Additional information This bug is also reproduced in the following browsers: Chrome 60, IE 11.41, Firefox 54. |
Some more examples:
Bad | Good |
Tapping area is shifted in the application | The taping area is shifted in the in-game inventory window after opening the promotional chest |
- «What?» (What happened?) Is NOT a noun, it is what happened, a kind of VERB-clarification («What is being done?» Or «What is NOT being done?»).
- «Where?» – is the location in the system (application/website) where the bug was found.
- «When?» (After what? Due to what action? During what period?) – an action that resulted in a different result than expected.