Zaporizhzhia National University is a higher education institution of the state ownership whose history spans almost 90 years. Back in the 1940s, it occupied one of the leading places among the pedagogical institutions of Ukraine and still remains the leader of educational services in Ukraine.

Zaporizhzhia National University has the highest level of state accreditation, which is level IV.

Today, Zaporizhzhia National University is a well-known and prestigious institution of higher education which continues the best educational traditions, closely linked to the glorious past of the Zaporizhzhia region and its rich history.

The structure of the university includes 12 faculties, Engineering Institute (established after Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy became part of the University), as well as several branches: the Faculty of Economics and Humanities in the city of Melitopol. The University comprises 4 colleges: College of Economics and Law, Trade College, Hydropower College, and Metallurgical College. Zaporizhzhia National University includes a powerful scientific library, Confucius School for the Study of Chinese, John III Sobieski Polish Language and Culture Centre, Shakespeare International Centre, Centre for Continuing Education, Foreign Languages Intensive Study Centre, Goethe-Institut and other language educational centres.

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