Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic National University is a leading state higher education institution in the South-East of Ukraine. The National University has the IV level of accreditation.

In August 2001, the university was granted  “National” status.

Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic National University today has 6 institutes, 12 faculties, 60 departments, 9 educational and laboratory buildings, 4 student dormitories for 2,300 seats, a library with a book fund of over a million copies, an editorial and publishing department, a computer printing house, two sports and health resorts, sanatorium, medical center, sports and food complexes, a powerful administrative and economic part, etc.

The university prepares bachelors, specialists (engineers), masters of 51 specialties. The teaching staff consists of more than 900 people, of which 640 have academic degrees and academic titles, including 47 doctors of sciences, professors. Among the teachers, 24 people were elected full members and corresponding members of the branch academies of Ukraine, 25 have the honorary titles of Honored Workers of Science and Technology, Honored Workers of Education, laureates of the State Prize. More than 13,000 students study at Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic National University.

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